Sunday, May 8, 2011


I love breakfast.  Actually, I love cereal.  I definitely eat too much of it!  Here is my post-stagette Sunday morning:

First - fill your bowl with delicious, heart-healthy berries.  Blueberries are best for you, but I really hate them so I cover their flavor up with my favorite - Raspberries!  Raspberries were also my grandmother's favorite and eating them reminds me of her.  Which is especially good on Mother's Day!

Second - Add plain, organic yogurt.  I know, it's plain.  But if you're gassy like me, it'll be worth it.  Trust me.  Also - top with hemp seeds.  They are so much fun!  Full of protein (and calories - go easy!), taste all buttery and with two added bonuses.  1 - It makes you feel like a badass for eating them because they're hemp.  2 - They end up in the little nooks and crannies of your mouth so it's like a scavenger hunt making sure you got them all.  Fun!

 Third - Top with cereal!  This is Kashi Go Lean Crunch.  SO GOOD!  And very, very crunchy.  I'll be honest - I added a lot more after I took the picture.  It didn't look as pretty by then, though because you couldn't see the berries anymore.

Fourth - Lug your 25lb copy of The Absolute Sandman into the living room, sit in the morning sun and enjoy your brekky while you read.

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