Friday, May 13, 2011

My Current Booklist

I just realized I didn't write anything on Wednesday OR Thursday!  What a sloth! *

So to make up for it here is a list of books I currently have active bookmarks in:

Absolute Sandman - Volume 1 - Neil Gaiman

This book literally and figuratively weighs 6.5 lbs (I weighed it with my figurative kitchen scale).  The artwork is breathtaking and the stories are delightfully fantastical.  Last night when I couldn't sleep I read one about dreaming cats.  I recommend the series if you're a fan of comics or graphic novels.  Just don't get the Absolute edition - it's way (weigh haha) too heavy to read comfortably in any position.

A History of God - Karen Armstrong

If you've ever noticed that God seems like a different guy depending on which book of the bible you're reading, this will help you understand why.  As with anyone, the authors of the bible were influenced by the cultural and religious traditions of the communities they lived in.  No matter your religious orientation, this is a fascinating read!

The Alienist - Caleb Carr 

I just started this one.  Well, I just started it for the second time.  I have a tendency to start books and then stop reading them for long enough that I need to start again.  But I'm enjoying it so far!  It's about an alienist (which is apparently olde-timey speak for psychiatrist) who tries to catch a killer.  Maybe I'll write more about it later, or maybe you like the cover so much you'll go out and read it yourself and then you can tell me about it ;)

Okay, now you can enjoy your Friday!

*UPDATE*  - I knew I wrote a blog post on Wednesday!  It's back now.


  1. A History of God sounds so interesting! I read another book by Karen Armstrong in college (Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths).

  2. Hi Tricia. Thanks for your comment. Yeah, I find religions really interesting. This book is great because it goes into the pagan traditions at the time when Yahweh first came about and how the people had a really hard time getting used to a new kind of god. Such cool stuff!
